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A Promotion Doesn’t Automatically Include a Salary Raise

By Amy Winter

If you are hoping for that big raise with your next promotion, it might not happen. At least, that’s the case when it comes to the survey results from OfficeTeam, a staffing service. Although 63 percent of hiring managers say that their company does provide a salary increase with a promotion, 22 percent of managers admit that it is at least somewhat common for workers to receive no money with a promotion.

“Some companies may want to reward employees for taking on heavier workloads, but they aren’t able to offer immediate raises due to budget constraints,” says Robert Hosking, OfficeTeam’s executive director. “In those situations, the intent may be to provide a higher salary as soon as the firm is more financially stable.”

When it comes to the viewpoint of employees, it seems that 55 percent of workers would accept a promotion offer without a raise. If salary can’t be increased, Hosking provides ideas for other incentives that workers could possibly discuss with managers:

— Increased vacation time. Request a couple of extra days off per year.

— Larger bonus. Employees may be able to ask for a bigger annual bonus or a bonus at the time of the promotion.

— Flexible schedules. Consider asking to work from home or commute during off-hours.

— Education. Look into training or professional development classes to become a more well-rounded employee.

— Equity stake. You might be able to receive restricted company stock.

For more information, visit www.accountemps.com.


With June being the month to honor fathers, it seems appropriate to look at the number of working fathers. According to a CareerBuilder survey that questioned at least 800 employed fathers, it appears that more dads are returning to the workplace — 84 percent of unemployed dads have found a full-time position. Is it difficult for working dads to find the right balance between their job and home life?

Yes, due to smaller staffs and increased workloads, some dads have less time at home. Twenty-two percent of respondents spend at least 50 hours per week in the office, which has increased from 19 percent last year. Some kids are missing their daddies, since 39 percent of dads only get two hours daily with their children. And 16 percent barely spend an hour per day with their children.

Work obligations can negatively affect a dad/child relationship, especially if dad has to miss an important event for their kids. This year, 34 percent of respondents have missed two or more major occasions that honored their children. And of those who attended events, 19 percent had to check their work email or voice mail during the occasion.

“As companies downsized during the recession and work demands accelerated, we saw dads having a harder time finding balance between providing for their families financially and spending quality time with them,” says Alex Green, general counsel for CareerBuilder and father of three.

Green offers tips to help fathers do well at work but also find time to see their kids:

— Communicate with your family. Make sure your family knows why you are away at the office for longer hours. And listen to what’s happening in your family’s lives.

— Make a schedule. Write each family member’s obligations on one calendar. Take time off for important events.

— Put your work away. Try to avoid checking your email until after your kids go to bed.

— Look into flexible working options. Talk with your boss about arrangements such as telecommuting, more flexible hours or shorter workweeks.

— Know which events are essential. It is OK to turn down work invitations. Find out which office obligations are mandatory.

“It’s also important to cut yourself some slack,” says Green. “Even the best dads need a break sometimes.”

For more information, visit www.careerbuilder.com.

To find out more about Amy Winter and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.


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