Everyday Cheapskate

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When Batteries Are Just Faking It

Just when I think I’ve heard every possible way to save time and money every day, I open my mail to find new and clever ideas I’d never thought of. No doubt about it, I have the smartest readers in the world (good-looking, too!).


I learned this tip by accident, and it has saved me a bundle. If your kids are constantly in and out of the refrigerator, eating the food faster than you can replenish it, remove the light bulb. If they are really hungry, they will take the time to search. Otherwise, it won’t be worth the bother. — Leslie


Sometimes, when batteries stop working, they’re only faking death. We had a cheap travel clock that stopped working. Rather than throwing it out or replacing the batteries, I turned them around, and it has worked perfectly for two more years. The television remote control has two AA batteries that frequently act as if they need to be replaced. But I turn them over and/or around and usually get three to six more months of life out of them. — Liz


Instead of buying expensive skin and facial scrubs from the department store, I use plain old sugar. I have it in a covered shaker container in my shower. I sprinkle some into my hand and gently scrub my face and neck with it. Then, I rinse it off. Works just as well as the store-bought scrubs, and I won’t run out because I always have it in the house. I also don’t have to worry about fragrance in my sugar scrub, which can be a problem with my asthma. — Maryann


I save empty toilet paper rolls and keep them by my dryer. I stuff dryer lint inside the cardboard roll and fold down the ends when they’re full of lint (like a roll of coins). These make great fire starters for the fireplace, and for campfires, too. — Vicki


I used to make fabric lunch bags from the bottoms of denim jeans (or other pants). A piece of Velcro held the top folded down. My children enjoyed decorating their bags with puffy paints, and even my businessman husband started using one. When the bags were soiled, I just threw them in the wash. My kids are grown, but the bags are still around! — Bev


I cut my kids’ pancakes into triangles or squares with a pizza cutter. I do this before the syrup goes on. It’s fast and easy, and it doesn’t tear the pancakes. — Caroline


I use a pizza cutter to cut up a plate of spaghetti for my little ones. Just roll it through the pasta, and with just a few strokes, the pasta is in bite-size pieces, ready for a fork or spoon! — Michelle


I use our crockpot or toaster oven to keep food warm when the entire meal isn’t quite done. It cuts down on aluminum foil since I don’t have to use foil to cover the dishes. — Sadie


I save on detergent by using Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to get rid of coffee and tea stains in my mugs and teacups. I simply swipe the stains away. Even the really cheap versions of magic erasers from the dollar store work well. I use them in my teapot, too. — Pamela

Would you like more information? Go to EverydayCheapskate.com for links and resources for recommended products and services in this column. Mary invites questions, comments and tips at EverydayCheapskate.com, “Ask Mary.” This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of EverydayCheapskate.com, a lifestyle blog, and the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.”


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