Psychic Corner

A weekly column exploring some of the wonders of the psychic sciences. Whether telling of incredible things that have happened or looking at the meaning behind some of the things we do, Psychic Corner is fascinating, different and often inspiring.

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At some time or other most of us doodle. It could be to fill in an idle moment or when we are bored but our doodles can tell us much about our outlook.

Although doodles can take on many different forms, these are the meanings behind the most popular shapes and drawings.

If you doodle circles, this can show a kind and caring nature. You like to be open and upfront and could also be creative.

A doodle of a triangle shows you in ambitious mood. You are keen to progress and make things happen while a square or box indicates a careful and orderly nature. You are methodical and should your box be open, it shows you are receptive to new ideas.

A spiral shows a desire for security and with your home and family being important to you while a heart is a symbol of love, whether existing or hoped for.

Doodles of transport, whether cars, ships or planes, indicate a desire to be somewhere else, whether on holiday or heading towards greater things.

Syndicated by Knight Features


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