Heaven’s Love Thrift Shop

Heaven’s Love Thrift Shop is a faith-based, Sunday-only feature created by cartoonist Kevin Frank. The strip centers on a community-minded, Christian-run thrift shop, its outreach programs and the diverse people who can be found there.

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The strip is driven by three central characters: WILSON, the rational and learned director of the thrift shop and its outreach programs; CASSIDY, the perhaps obsessively socially conscious day-to-day manager of the thrift store; and DAG, the well-intentioned but somewhat scattered worker bee of the operation, who is also a recipient of the shop’s efforts to help people who need help in becoming self-sufficient members of society.

The strip takes place in a thrift shop, which is a means of raising funds for the store’s charitable endeavors. The community-based shop serves three intertwined purposes: it recycles used goods, cutting down on needless waste; it offers products and clothes at a reasonable price, sometimes even for free depending on the needs of customers; and the money generated by selling these goods is used to support the local neighborhood soup kitchen, homeless shelter, AIDS clinic and other outreach programs in the community.

Along with entertaining people, one of the main goals of Heaven’s Love Thrift Shop is to make readers smile and maybe help them view the world in a more redemptive or open and giving way.


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