Funky Winkerbean
Tom Batiuk’s popular Funky Winkerbean made its debut on the comics pages in 1972 and today, appears in more than 400 newspapers worldwide. The cartoonist not only entertains teenagers and adults alike with his portrayal of the students and faculty at Westview High but has earned high marks for his sensitive treatment of important social and educational issues. His groundbreaking series on teen pregnancy, reading impairment dyslexia, teen suicide, teen dating abuse and breast cancer earned Batiuk high marks from fans, educators and community leaders. His graphic novel based on his character Lisa and her struggle with breast cancer was a Pilitzer finalist in 2008. And because of the popularity of the Harry L. Dinkle character, “The World’s Greatest Band Leader,” the Funky characters became the first comic-strip stars to march in the Rose Bowl Parade.
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