Dig It

Mining effects the lives of everyone in Australia like never before. More and more of us are working in mining towns, yet for many Australians it is a far off world.

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Mining effects the lives of everyone in Australia like never before. More and more of us are working in mining towns, yet for many Australians it is a far off world.

Let Biggsy the truck driver and her best mate Tiny show you around. She’s a feisty, independent woman making her way in what used to be a man’s world, and Tiny is a big, burly shovel operator with a sensitive side.

When Biggsy’s glamorous sister Bianca comes to stay, declaring that she wants to meet a decent, hard-working bloke, all sorts of local characters set out to try their luck with her. The lives of these three, and their friends, unfold against a backdrop of huge machines, enormous holes in the ground, towering piles of ore, and a vast landscape that dwarfs them all.


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