Answer Man Andy Seamans

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Take Me Out to the Ballgame

By Andy Seamans

By Dawn Seamans-Shook

For this final week of The Answer Man, we look at Andy Seamans’ favorite pastime, baseball.

1. The Answer Man’s favorite baseball player was a Hall of Famer and received the nickname “Mr. Tiger” as a result of his long career and association with one organization. Name both the athlete and the team that he played for.

2. In what year did the Little League Baseball World Series begin?

3. The Little League model was originally devised by Carl Stotz in 1938 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. By 1946, there were only 12 leagues patterned after the Little League model. What hampered the growth of this popular sport?

4. This All-American athlete excelled in football, baseball and track while attending Florida State University. He went on to become the only athlete to hit a major league home run and score an NFL touchdown in the same week and is also the only man to ever play in the World Series and the Super Bowl.

5. In 1972, the Detroit Tigers won the American League East division championship with a record of 86-70, finishing a half-game ahead of the Boston Red Sox. What event led to the half-game difference?


1. Al Kaline. He played for the Detroit Tigers.

2. The Little League World Series began in 1947.

3. During these early years, the United States was involved in World War II, and many fathers in the U.S. were serving in the military.

4. Deion Sanders.

5. The 1972 baseball season was delayed by two weeks because of a strike by the players. The terms were agreed upon within two weeks, but the owners did not reschedule the canceled games, resulting in teams playing unequal numbers of games. The Red Sox played one fewer game than the Tigers that season.


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