Birthday Meanings


In this fascinating series, best selling writer Neil Somerville gives a birthday reading for every day of the year. Based on astrology and numerology, each entry describes strengths and weaknesses and special qualities for those born on that day. Revealing, insightful and often surprising, Birthday Meanings is different and could make a popular and regular feature.

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January 1st

You like to be active and take the lead. Thorough, caring and responsible, you set yourself high standards and reach many of your goals. You also care about what others think and can be impatient when problems occur. You enjoy wide interests and get on well with many. As you involve yourself in so much, do keep your lifestyle in balance and allow time to enjoy your achievements and what you have around.

January 1st

You like to be active and take the lead. Thorough, caring and responsible, you set yourself high standards and reach many of your goals. You also care about what others think and can be impatient when problems occur. You enjoy wide interests and get on well with many. As you involve yourself in so much, do keep your lifestyle in balance and allow time to enjoy your achievements and what you have around.

January 3rd

Determined and persuasive you have a happy knack in getting your way. You notice, observe and use your time and chances well. You are also persistent and do not take kindly to rejection or failure. You rarely make the same mistake twice. You are open and trusting with others and your likeable manner gets you many friends. You are protective of loved ones but need to be disciplined in money matters.

In this fascinating series, best selling writer Neil Somerville gives a birthday reading for every day of the year. Based on astrology and numerology, each entry describes strengths and weaknesses and special qualities for those born on that day. Revealing, insightful and often surprising, Birthday Meanings is different and could make a popular and regular feature.

Syndicated by Knight Features


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